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Sheldan Nidle


Boardleitung, Motherboard
28. September 2002
Punkte Reaktionen
Habe das heute von meiner Mutter zugeschickt bekommen.
Ich gebe zu, ich habe es nicht gelesen, dachte aber, ich stelle es mal rein, vielleicht will sich ja jemand da durchquälen und seine Meinung dazu abgeben :f25:
hier noch was auf Deutsch dazu, vielleicht wird ja noch wer in Google zu diesem Sheldan Nidle fündig


June 1st and June 8th

By Mike Quinsey


For many years now Sheldan Nidle has regularly channeled messages from ET’s, and principally from the Sirians who have a long history of association with us. Towards the end of the 20th Century it was envisaged that our Ascension would take place at the end of the year 1999, and that the trigger would be the Solar System’s entrance into the Photon Belt. However, this event did not take place, and we were later informed, that this was through our expanded consciousness having reached a point, where it was seen that we could achieve Ascension in our physical bodies. We were told this would be a unique event, one that had not been witnessed previously in this Galaxy.

So, from the turn of the Millennium, a new format was prepared, including First Contact. From that time onwards, weekly messages have been given to us, and appropriate to the time we are now in, the Truth is now seen as paramount, and that the true history of Earth, and the Human Race be made known to us. With these messages, it was increasingly evident that First Contact was planned to immediately follow on the announcement of NESARA, and in April 2003 it was referred to as such. However with Divine intervention having been granted in May 2004, it is no longer dependent on this announcement to proceed.

Literally millions of spacecraft are primed and ready to carry out their part in the mission. The ET’s are from all quarters of our Universe, and as anxious as we are to make a re-union with us. However, the whole operation is the plan of great Beings, who reside in spiritual realms beyond our comprehension, and who determine the timing and outworking of it. Their Plan is being put into effect through the Galactic Federation and a number of Councils.

The latest information from the last two messages has been summarised as follows:

The reality that you are living in is in the process of receiving a major wake-up call. The Venus transit of your Sun is an auspicious sign foretelling your reality's readiness for change. As we speak, your local Spiritual Hierarchy, with aid throughout this galaxy and all of Creation, is fully occupied in revealing the foundations for this new reality.This newly manifesting reality is palpable, and this realization is swelling the ranks of Light workers globally. They are opening themselves to the energies of the change that has been long foretold for this period of Earth history. The Ascended Masters have led these proceedings to the brink of inevitable success. These great communities of the Light are bringing forth this great clarion call and beseeching Heaven to initiate the final events leading to this new reality.

Great Orders of Heaven have gathered in infinite numbers. They come to proclaim this blessing to you and to all in Creation. Many magnificent events are being manifested in Heaven to prepare your reality to embrace a new collective perception. They are essential precursors to the new physical reality, and they also ensure that you are all truly prepared for this great transformation. This can be seen in the sky, which is filled with strange anomalies, and in the land and waters, which are teeming with inexplicable occurrences. These are not the portents of a pole shift or other calamitous Earth changes. The significance of these impending events goes far beyond mere changes in governments, or the dispersal of enormous financial prosperity. It involves nothing less than the reuniting of the Light with the Earth plane and the transformation of the dark into an ally of the Light.

These glorious events will forge your new reality and change your present experience of lack and limitation into untold prosperity and abundance in all things. . We come to say that this destiny is imminent. One aspect of this prospect is the arrival of your space family. When the dark ones were permitted by Heaven to briefly rule your world, your vast space family was quickly removed from your lives. Only a rare clandestine exchange of positive information to certain of your earthly rulers was allowed. These random pinpricks of enlightened philosophy enabled the Light to maintain a toehold in the dark and even, rarely, to pour its joy upon your world. This energy kept alive the tools for the present changes, which first barely survived these benighted millennia. It even made possible the sprouting of the great, holy Avatars of the Light who, despite huge odds, gifted your weary realm with their noble gifts of wisdom and insight. These gifts set the stage for what is now happening to humanity and to all life upon Mother Earth.

You are now witnessing the last actions of the dark ones, as they seize the major instruments of power on your world. But this has only thwarted the inevitable for a very short time. A series of intrepid maneuvers will shortly remove the last powerful remnants of the dark, and permit the Light to complete your promised liberation. These proceedings, as we mentioned in past messages, will begin with an initial distribution of financial prosperity, which will precipitate changes in a number of major political regimes around the world. This, in turn, will engender the dispersal of the great financial abundance that has been promised to you. A number of major banks in North America will change hands, and new international banking rules will be established that will trigger the huge changes required to bring about your new reality.

With these prerequisites in place, your space family can be freely re-introduced to you. They will use their Love and their advanced technology to assist in the re-creation of your global society and the rehabilitation of Mother Earth. These improved conditions will allow you to regain enhanced sensory perceptions, which will include the ability to see and converse with your Ascended Masters. This coming new reality will end your long separation from Spirit, and from your extraterrestrial families. Much vital information is to be imparted to you as well as many now suppressed inventions that will enable you to become healthy and vibrant again. Mother Earth can also, with your help, remedy her damaged condition and become an even more beautiful member of this galaxy. We look forward to the coming exchanges of information and to seeing you fulfill your great potential. Much needs to be accomplished by you in a very short time.

Your Ascended Masters intend to supervise you quite closely to begin with. You will need to listen well to them, and then use your innate creativity to carry out many vital projects. Chief among these will be the need to honor first yourselves, and then Mother Earth. This planet is a dream world that can be filled either with pain or with joy. Most of you have known lives of chronic distress, which this new reality will change into long-overdue, much needed joy. This joy will bring you a degree of inner peace unknown to most of you. The amount of creativity that you will be able to access will seem miraculous to you, and it is this passion that the Ascended Masters wish to put to work. It is your destiny to become fully-fledged co-creators of this new reality. It is almost upon you, as you can see from what we have told you in this message. Your part at present is to discern your abilities and talents so that you may be ready to come to the aid of your communities. You will shortly be called upon to come together to forge the framework of your community's contribution during the upcoming, enormous changes. Remember that you will be provided with tools and guidelines in the form of data, supervision, and teaching with which to build and develop your new reality, ever bearing in mind, however that the final steps in this drama are to be your own. Your Ascended Masters are proud of you and are confident that you are more than capable of completing your projects with flying colors. We join them in this and are preparing to celebrate with you your upcoming, marvelous accomplishments.

First contact is just around the corner. A number of amazing developments are manifesting as we speak, which will enable us all finally to meet. Our fleets are busy carrying out their preparations with great exhilaration, as we know that some awesome events are almost upon us. Your world will change, and you will all accomplish great things, including the cleansing of your polluted planet. The long quarantine of Earth can be lifted, and this will end your deep isolation from the rest of Creation. This isolation allowed the dark to manipulate you into believing a number of outrageous untruths. Indeed you are not alone! Your spiritual and space families come to be reunited with you and welcome you into the far-flung community of spiritual and physical Beings who make up all of Creation! We come in Joy, and most of all we come in Peace! Lately, your world has continued to sit on the edge of incredible changes. This delaying of the inevitable is caused by the need to complete various aspects of the financial abundance programs, and to implement the complex and radical procedures that will produce a new American government. Obstacles are being continually thrown up by the present, illegal American government, and various notorious dictators in Africa, Asia, and the Americas are effecting numerous illegal machinations as they attempt to cling to their power bases. These factors all contribute, unwittingly or otherwise, to the delays to our plans.

Our fleet remains at the ready. The Moon base, the Mars headquarters, and our inner-Earth bases are also completely dedicated to the completion of this first contact mission. This mission, as we have said before, has put our fleet and our bases into every corner of this solar system. The vital cog in these proceedings nonetheless is you. Our Earth allies and all Beings on Mother Earth dedicated to this venture are united in their determination to secure a peaceful and harmonious way of life for this planet. The firm and loving guidance of your Ascended Masters has shepherded us, as one body, toward our certain triumph. Master Saint Germain and his magnificent companions have proven time and again, that our joint operations are not in vain. In fact, they are merely the first, awkward steps in a magnificent quest that lies ahead for us all.

This future is moving steadily toward its planned, divine outcome and the factors leading us to these eventualities can be divided into three main parts. The first is the crumbling of the old guard: the last dark cabal. Everywhere they turn, their ill-intentioned plans are failing. The world financial community has rejected their advances, and a growing coalition of major, global players is currently working to bring about their swift demise. Their imminent, financial ruin is being accelerated by the loss of the political support that they have traditionally relied on. Many of their allies from around the world have jumped ship and either secretly or openly oppose their grab for world dominance, thus hastening their exit from the world scene. This illegal regime now has no recourse but to use its dwindling power to place an iron grip on the transfer of any funds that pass through North America. This desperation reveals its growing panic. As this old guard falls from grace, a new, diverse group of well-intentioned movers and shakers prepares to replace them in major positions of power. This coming world coup d'etat is the next phase of this operation. These intrepid and marvelous individuals and groups are of course the ones we call our 'Earth allies'. As stated earlier, they are quietly coalescing behind the scenes and working out the final kinks in their plans. Remember that it is not easy, even with vast financial resources, to completely overhaul the political regimes of four major world governments. This ambitious undertaking required a plan of such depth and daunting degree of detail and coordination as to appear overwhelming even to the most stout hearted and resolute among us. It is small wonder that the last few steps are taking a bit longer than desired. And despite all odds, the results are about to swiftly materialize before you. We are now helping to manifest this event and to release this world from the harmful grip of this last dark cabal.

The final part of these proceedings is our arrival on your beautiful shores. We look forward to the public broadcasts that will announce our presence. Your splendid efforts can then begin on a global scale. The tasks before you include a massive purging of the pollution that has defiled your world for decades. You will be introduced to an enormous array of technologies that have been either suppressed, or hidden from you, and also to a whole new off-world science. These will allow you to eradicate pollution-causing industry, epidemic diseases, and other causes of degenerative, physical afflictions. You will be healing Mother Earth and yourselves. You will meet your spiritual and space families, and this will, at long last, herald the end to your long, dark night.

The completion of these three steps has been ascertained. The divine plan has already decreed them into being, and your Ascended Masters are busily manifesting them. It is to this end that we came to your world over a decade ago. Our medical teams and counselors note how the level of consciousness in your society increases exponentially each year. This process is part of what you have called the "Ascension of humanity" and is another aspect of the divine plan, as are those who are now actively working to bring this into being. All these factors combine to make your wondrous new world inevitable. The moment, when the 'first domino' of your new reality falls, is imminent and subject to exquisitely precise, divine timing.

Every level and dimension of Heaven knows how inevitable is the emergence of the latent potential in every one of you. It cannot be crushed out of you or in any way suppressed from your being; your Creator cements it forever into your soul. This awesome impulse has already determined the total defeat of the dark on your world, and this last segment of your 'time' is merely for fomenting what has already happened on other levels. This is why we can say that your victory is assured. Know that your present lives spent largely in survival mode are to be imminently transformed by the manifesting of the divine plan. This divine Intent is a mighty force whose time has come.

Our teachers and counselors have devised a program to guide you through the last steps to full consciousness. We can then help you to readjust to this truly divine state of being. Your sisters and brothers from the inner-Earth realm of Agharta will also assist you in this. They have great knowledge to impart to you about the extensive abilities of your spiritual selves. This 'quiet revolution' is spiritual in nature and is designed to end your separation from the many parts of you that once formed a grand, united whole. This 'reunited you' requires a new reality, founded on moral and spiritual integrity and dedicated to the Creator's divine plan. These imperatives will expunge your present concepts of yourselves, and will replace them with an integrated, or 'holy', identity. You will then be ready to assume your sacred task: creating your own galactic society and forging your new star-nation. We in the Galactic Federation await you!

As you approach the time for a historic change in the American government, it is important to stay focussed upon your inevitable victory. Your Earth allies have worked long and hard to accomplish the next step in the process that completes your first contact with us. We remain confident that the coming changes in Government, along with the release of your monetary abundance programs, will positively alter your world forever.

The Galactic Federation has amassed an enormous fleet for first contact, which includes scientific, diplomatic, liaison, and defense components. All of these sections comprise the command board that is in charge of this operation. Besides the main headquarters stationed on Mars and the back-up command center located in a main command defense Mothership, we also have our Earth-fleet headquarters which are located near the inner-Earth capital of Shamballa and in the interior environment of the Moon. Our terra-form scientists can restore your Moon to its former condition. This will not occur until it is ready to become part once again of the now-destroyed world (the future planet Bellona), the remnants of which form your solar system's Asteroid Belt. At the appropriate time, the galactic Elohim and our Galactic Federation scientists will restore Mother Earth's two 'lost' moons. This debris from the lost moons is known to your geologists, who disguise this fact by referring to it as 'asteroid debris fields' resulting from past encounters with small swarms of asteroids, that struck Earth about 12,000 and 25,000 years ago. They claim that these created large impact craters and caused a series of catastrophic earthquakes and prolonged volcanic eruptions. In truth, these past geologic events emanated from an artificial source, the destructive use of the two moons to bring down the civilization and continent of Lemuria, and unintentionally, Atlantis. Each large boulder in the debris field has a memory of once forming part of Earth's former moons. We have identified those remnants that can be used to reconstruct these two moons, as they will be needed to balance your world once it returns to its fully conscious state. Until then, your present 'moon', which is an artificial, titanium sphere covered in Asteroid Belt debris, will serve as this balancing agent. However, the rising base frequency of Mother Earth and the weakening of her magnetic field has caused your planet to increase its processional wobble, and your Moon to drift occasionally from its prescribed position. This concern causes us to watch your secret government's black operations very closely, as their purpose has long been to destabilize your planet and force immense catastrophes to occur. These were to have been one of many excuses for imposing global martial law.

We would now like to focus on our headquarters on Mars, and our base on your Moon. Your Moon is an artificial construct that was created to be a special tactical station attached to Orion Empire fleets of the former Anchara Alliance. It formed part of the fleet that conquered your solar system about 1,000,000 years ago. The Moon's purpose was to be the main defense co-ordinator for the former planet that was between Mars and Jupiter. When we came to liberate your solar system about 900,000 years ago, this planet and its armed moon were a major threat to our success. Our incoming fleet deployed a powerful battle planet of its own to destroy this Anchara/Orion Empire base. It was reduced to rubble and the result was the Asteroid Belt. The battle moon was temporarily thrown into an erratic solar orbit that ran between Earth and Mars, and finally, about 25,000 years ago, was placed into its present orbit as Earth's Moon. Your Moon is a unique construction. Before it sustained severe battle damage, it had a thick, Earth-like atmosphere and several oceans and seas. Scattered across these seas were many small landmasses where reptilian and dinosaurian engineers created an eco-system, similar to ones found on moons in any human-stewarded solar system. The aim behind this terra-forming was to disguise the true purpose of this sphere, beneath this veneer. The Anchara Alliance had constructed a metallic globe out of a special titanium alloy whose special properties could not only greatly magnify the cloaking shield around the main weapons and control stations found in its core, but also maintain the illusion of the Moon as a benign and quite natural satellite. Its interior housed 16 levels containing laboratories, control centers, and 24 major weapon stations. When the Galactic Federation battle planet blasted the Anchara headquarters, this 'moon' fired upon and caused major damage to our battle planet. In the ensuing retaliation, this battle moon was severely damaged and thrown into an orbit between Mars and Earth. Once in solar orbit, the battle moon was captured and boarded by Galactic Federation forces. It was deeply scarred and adrift. Later, when the Atlanteans and their off-world allies decided to sink Lemuria, this moon was retrieved, partially refitted, and moved to its present spot as a proxy for one of Mother Earth's two natural satellites, both of which had been used in the destruction of Lemuria. This Moon was used until very recently by the Anunnaki and their Anchara Alliance allies, as an orbiting base to observe and control what was happening on the surface of Mother Earth. The Moon was now disguised as a lifeless orbiting body, but underneath her surface, the interior base had been completely modernized and organized as a Mothership, controlling a large, hidden fleet. The remnants of its former luxuriant eco-system were mined for the minerals and ores needed for the constant renovation of the base and it's fleet of spacecraft. Then in the early 1970s, the Galactic Federation annexed a section of this inner-Moon base, which then served as our primary headquarters here until the early 1990s.

While certain important activities, such as the foregoing, are orchestrated from the Moon base, our command center for the entire operation is on Mars, hidden within the vastness of its interior. The constitution of Mars, as previously noted, is quite different from the ecological reports proffered by your science. This misleading charade was intended to keep you believing that you are alone and the only sentient Beings in this solar system. It is part of an extensive system of control to prevent you from stumbling upon any data that could alter your conditioned view of reality. Nevertheless, we do exist and are very close to completing a first contact with you. These proceedings will include an invitation for you to tour the various bases and living facilities engineered by Galactic Federation scientists. The personnel at the Mars base are looking forward to meeting you and showing you their set-up for the first contact mission there. It possesses an ongoing terra-forming operation. This is currently being assisted by the growing hyperactivity of your Sun, whose flares are causing the Mars atmosphere to come alive. Her upper atmosphere is being ionized, resulting in an accumulation of sliver-thin layers that are gradually preventing harmful radiation from penetrating into the lower atmosphere. This makes her skies appear bluer. Water vapor levels in the lower atmosphere have increased, due to melting ice fields near the polar regions. More frequent Mars-quakes are releasing many gases and interior water vapor into this mix, and we are accelerating the reconstituting of her upper and lower atmospheres, by strengthening many of her magnetic surface features. During this time, we watched the Anunnaki, their Earth minions (your secret government), and elements of the Anchara Alliance work together, to control your world and further the dark agenda. Your Ascended Masters told us that this manipulation had been going on for millennia, but was now approaching its prescribed end. The divine timing for this was the first decade of your twenty-first century. Procedures and programs of various sorts already set in motion in your society made this shift inevitable, and our role in this was to move rapidly when so directed by them. We were to remain in place and be always ready to complete first contact when your Ascended Masters gave us their 'go ahead'. Our section of the Moon base was under constant duress from the Anchara Alliance until the mid-1990s. Then the Anunnaki changed sides and helped us to take over the whole Moon base, without arousing the suspicions of Earth's humanity. The unified Moon base became the center of our Earth operations.

The Moon base coordinates a number of inner-Earth bases set up at facilities that were created after the fall of Lemuria by its predecessor, Agharta. Here we monitor the hidden activities of your secret government's underground bases and maintain a close and continuous surveillance of your world and the workings of the last remnants of the dark. This last cabal is closely watched for any transgressions it might attempt that go beyond the limits set for it by your Ascended Masters. From our Moon base, we can swiftly interpret their machinations and take decisive countermeasures. Needless-to-say, we prevented many of their more dangerous and heinous plots from manifesting. And in the meantime, their unconscionable agenda had become increasingly apparent to many powerful individuals and groups in your global society. Thus allowing our Earth allies to garner new associates from among those who are now deserting this cabal in droves.

As you can see, this first contact mission has many aspects, of which the two most important are the stations on your Moon and on Mars. This Moon is filled with historical implications. His 16 levels, each with myriad sub-levels, once housed endless laboratories and testing stations where its former denizens carried out a variety of experiments on your ancestors, and even on you. The horror from these dark procedures still enshrouds many of his lower levels. Our intention is eventually to make this place into a memorial when the world we know as Bellona is restored. This trans-Martian planet was where many of the dark's malevolent plans for this solar system were first hatched. We propose that this planet and its fifth moon have a permanent memorial placed upon them. Feel deep within, the truth about the changes taking place in the skies and in your physical bodies. Miracles are in the air and the transformation of your world is upon you.

We have taken another look at our bases on your Moon and on Mars. These bases and our entire first contact fleet await your visit. We look forward to the coming celebrations with glee. In this regard, we ask you to stay focused upon and firmly committed to your inevitable victory.

Mike Quinsey
Heftiger Text!!

Aber ich habe hier eine Biographie von diesem Sheldan Nidle gefunden.

heftig lang oder hast du ihn tatsächlich gelesen und verstanden?
dann erzähl doch was drüber büde :)
Ne, habe ihn nicht gelesen. Als ich die Seite gesehen habe, fing ich nicht mal damit an. Wenn dieser Nidle mich sehr interessieren würde, dann vieleicht.
und was meintest du dann mit heftiger text???
ich poste mal stückchenweise, da ich den anfang sonst wieder vergesse beim lesen des englischen textes.

es geht darum, dass es einen termin gegeben hat an dem uns die existens von aliens bestätigt werden sollte. dieser wurde aber nicht eingehalten (warum, das hab ich jetzt nicht übersetzt)

ich übersetze das ganze frei und nicht wortwörtlich. außerdem ist es nicht lückenlos weil ich kein englisch genie bin.

weiter gehts:

die aliens stehen bereit, um uns in ihre Galactic Federation -wieder- aufzunehmen. es stehen viele raumschiffe aus den verschiedensten bereichen (galaxien) bereit.

außerdem soll uns die wahre geschichte unseres planeten und unserer rasse erzählt werden.

(jetzt ist der text und der schreiber einer richtung zuzuordnen)

to be continued
ok ich geb`s jetzt schon auf. nicht weil ich keine lust hätte den langen text zu lesen (bücher liest man ja schließlich auch zu ende), sondern weil ich nach einem drittel gemerkt hab, dass es ein religiöser text (könnte von einer sekte sein) ist. der text ist zu festgefahren in eine richtung von visionen und ankündigungen, die niemals so in der form gemacht würden, wenn man so weit denkt, wie in dem text beschrieben.

es gibt denke ich mal, eine übersetzung (oder einen orginaltext?) im deutschen, der das gleiche aussagt. die glaubensrichtung bzb überzeugung, dass uns aliens beobachten und in der vergangenheit geprägt und gelenkt haben, ist nicht neu.

für mich klingt der text albern und ist übertrieben. sicherlich gibt es einiges was so stimmen könnte, aber anderes geht dann doch zu weit.

weil zu einem kontakt gehören immernoch zwei menschen/rassen.
naja gibt viele texte dieser art, ein medium das behauptet mit aliens in kontakt zu sein, meist sind diese dann spirituelle lehrer für sie, naja